Together we deliver

bet365 bets

Monadelphous provides comprehensive services to the bet365 bets industry, including construction and commissioning of oil, gas and coal-fired bet365 bets stations, wind farms, biomass bet365 bets plants and coal seam gas bet365 bets stations.

Zenviron, our renewable energy joint venture with Zem Energy provides engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for wind farm and utility scale solar projects to the renewable energy market in Australia and New Zealand. Zenviron brings together the technical experience, design capabilities and long-term industry relationships of ZEM Energy and the multidisciplinary engineering and construction capabilities of Monadelphous. Zenviron has full vertical balance of plant (BOP) capability from initial consultation through to detailed design, construction, commissioning and handover of wind farms, utility scale solar, battery storage, substations, medium voltage bet365 bets lines and transmission lines, wind turbine generator (WTG) cranes and logistics management and WTG erection.